Why do you need a business technology plan?

No matter what size business you run, it is likely that you rely heavily on technology for your success. Whether drawing new customers to your website, processing orders, or paying your employees – automation has become a part of every organization.

All PostsThe possible reality of losing your ability to operate in real-time is one many don’t want to think about, but should.

A 2019 business technology plan will be instrumental in protecting your processes, revenue, and reputation.


Business Technology plan

What is a Business Technology Plan?

Your technology plan is a written strategy which:

  1. Evaluates your current technology situation, needs and vulnerabilities.
  2. Identifies where you should be in the future in order to meet growing business needs.
  3. Outlines a coherent plan to reach those goals.

Elements of a Business Technology Plan

  • Identify Your Mission Statement and Goals: Begin by agreeing upon your goals for the business, and how technology will help you to reach those goals, both today and as your business grows. Will you need new software? Will you need to employ account executives with mobile sales processing ability?By outlining your goals, and understanding what technology is needed to get you there, you have a basis to begin assessing your current situation.
  • Survey Employees and Key Customers: Talk to employees and important clients regarding challenges they face with the current technology and software. Does the order processing system glitch too often? Have there been security concerns? By honestly listening to user frustrations, you can begin to pinpoint where problems may exist.
  • Current Technology Inventory: Create a master list of all technology which is currently utilized in your company, including desktop computers, laptops and tablets, printers, and even cellphones (if employees routinely use for work purposes). Catalog all makes, model numbers, software versions, and security controls.
  • Complete a Needs Assessment: Based upon the goals you have established, the problem areas you have identified, and the current inventory you possess, you can begin to highlight areas which need attention. This may include establishing security and password protocols, normalizing software versions and licensing, or even purchasing the new hardware your employees need to work more efficiently.
  • Create a Plan of Action: Understanding that most companies cannot implement all changes immediately, a plan will allow you to systematically attack each area of vulnerability in order of priority. You can budget accordingly, train your employees, and even reassign technology assets in the short term. Your plan will take you to where you need to be – with coherent hardware and software platforms and security procedures.
  • Look to the Future: Once in place, your business technology plan simply needs to be updated annually. This plan will allow you to budget year over year for the hardware and software upgrades you will need to support your goals, as well as to plan company wide rollouts of needed upgrades. By using a strategic plan, you will not be constantly putting out fires, but instead can manage your budget, processes, and even insurance more easily.

Experts agree that having a business technology plan is one of the best things you can do to maximize efficiency, productivity, and technology budget dollars

It is Not Too Late for 2019

A managed services IT firm has both the expertise and manpower you need to execute a plan for 2019 and beyond. These teams bring decades of experience and can take the workload off your plate. But more importantly, hiring a professional to help you write your business technology plan will give you a fresh set of expert eyes. They know the latest in hardware offerings, the most productive software, and the strongest cyber security protocols, eliminating the need for you to do extensive research.

Call today to put a plan in place that will not only help you to make 2019 more successful, but to provide a strategy for years to come.