Windows 11 is the latest version of Microsoft’s legacy operating system and is installed on more business computers every day. If you have made the leap to the Windows 11 platform, you’ve probably noticed that the overall aesthetic has been jazzed up, but most agree that it is basically the same OS behind the scenes.  With that being said, there are some new Windows 11 features you should be aware of and learn how to use to make your transition from 10 to 11 more intuitive for your users.
What are your favorite nuances in the revamped Windows 11 features?

Windows 11 features

  1. Start Menu Realignment: The placement of the Start button is one of the most apparent changes to the look of the OS.  Its iconic position at the lower-left corner of the screen has been adjusted, now centered with the remaining taskbar icons. But if you can’t get used to the new location, you’ll be relieved to know that you can put the Start icon back into a familiar position by setting the taskbar alignment to the left.
  2. Customize the Start App: Once you’ve realigned the Start app to your liking, you can also put your Setting button back where it used to be. You can also add File Explorer and Network icons to your Start menu.
  3. Simplified Right-Click Menu: The right-click menu has been significantly cleaned up, now highlighting only the most important and often used settings. If you don’t see the setting you are looking for, simply click “Show More Options” to open the spill-over menu.
  4. More Intuitive Desktop Management: Microsoft 11 replaces the old Task View button with a reimagined taskbar icon, making it easier to create and manage multiple desktops. Users can simply hover over the icon to see any open desktops or create a new virtual desktop. From this icon, desktops can be rearranged, and apps from one open desktop can be dragged into another window.
  5. Widgets Galore: While Windows 10 experimented with widgets, Windows 11 gets serious about these add-ons. Windows 11 features include many new widgets, from weather reports to traffic alerts, to-do lists, or breaking news. The new Widgets icon on the taskbar allows users to customize widgets to their liking, rearrange their placement, and manage preferences.
  6. Additional Multi-Tasking Windows: Windows 7 began supporting the snap and resize feature, but several versions later, Windows 11 enhanced the feature with Snap Layouts. Users can still drag and drop windows into place. But in Windows 11, the Maximize button reveals a menu of possible layout options. Click to choose the preferred formation and then move apps into their desired position.
  7. Chat Through Teams: Teams is Microsoft’s free messaging, calling, and videoconferencing app—and is among the standard Windows 11 features. The built-in app will launch video calls and initiate chats from a new Chat icon – no opening of the app required. If any contacts don’t utilize Microsoft Teams, users can send invites, chat, or video conference through email or text.
  8. Focus Sessions: It can be easy to lose focus and get distracted by a hundred different things during the workday – especially as messages and video chats pop up on your screen. Focus Sessions is activated through the Alarms & Clocks app and encourages the user to perform tasks uninterrupted for a set amount of time. If the user sets the time for 45 minutes or longer, the app provides for a 5-minute break midway through the session.

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