This is a Public Service Announcement Regarding Phone Spoofing.
Good morning! Chuck Walker with Alliance IT, how are you doing this morning? I just want to give you a public service announcement and educate you about something that we found going on in the world right now. Many of you may not know but we also have our division covering authority provides phone services. And we run across an issue that’s come up with several clients. It has to do with phone spoofing.
Very similar email spoofing in that someone has illegally and maliciously using your email address, and in this case your phone number and placing calls and maybe have some telemarketing calls or something else out to other people and they’re using your phone number as the caller ID. That client then gets that call, is not happy with the call, goes to call you back and also you’ve got a call from someone you have not reached out to initially.
So, this is something that’s going on out there. It is illegal. It is very hard to trace. But we do want to make you aware of that is happening out there, so if you get someone who calls your office say, “Hey, someone just called my office from your place and here’s what they’ve said. And it’s not has – has nothing to do with your business that’s what’s happening. Your phone number has gotten spoofed.”
Is it annoying? Yes. Is it illegal? Yes. Is there much you can do about it? Unfortunately, not at this point. The FCC is cracking down on it and they’re trying to work on it. But again, it’s a public service announcement to let you know that it is going on and be aware that it’s happening. Have a great day.
Chuck Walker with Alliance IT.