Alliance IT Blog
3 Things You Can Do Now To Speed Up Data Recovery After a Breach
Now that companies increasingly move toward paperless systems, loss of data can make reconstruction impossible when access to digital records is no longer possible.
The Section 179 Tax Deduction
We see technology as a way to make life simpler, yet when your tech starts to stop working, it steadily develops new issues and ultimately costs you more money in downtime and lost productivity than it would cost to acquire new devices.
Data Security – 3 Crucial Pieces of HIPAA Compliance
If your work requires you to store medical data, you should be aware of how important your data security is, as a problem could potentially put your business at risk of closing up shop permanently.
Your Human Firewall: Why Employee Education Is Vital To Your Business
When most people think about IT security, they think about all of the hardware and software that protects the data from outside eyes. In actuality, the greatest access point to your company data is often overlooked: the employees of the company.
3 Ways Managed IT Service Providers Minimize Downtime For SMB’S
When you outsource the monitoring and maintenance of your IT to a managed services provider, you can trust that any issues with your systems will be detected before they cause downtime for your employees.
Making The Most of Your Office 365
Before making the move to Office 365, every organization needs to carefully evaluate what’s involved for a successful deployment. Here are some ways to make the most of your Office 365.
Introduction to Microsoft Office Lens
Kevin Baylor discussed the benefits of Microsoft Office Lens and how you can utilize this tool for your business.
The Importance of Desktop Security to Your Small Business
While small to midsized businesses, also called SMB’s, don't have the luxury of information security teams and resources that large enterprises can afford, they still face many of the same threats.
SBT Sponsors 2018 Valspar Championship
Suncoast Business Technologies is a proud supporter and sponsor of the 2018 Valspar Championship.
What Is a Virtual CIO & How Can This Help Small Businesses?
A virtual CIO (vCIO) is essentially a bundle of services your managed service provider delivers to cover expertise gaps in your IT staff.
Mobile Security – 4 Ways to Be More Secure on The Go
We know how important it is to feel safe physically, but we should also ensure our safety online and on the go, too. So, we've compiled a list of ways that you can keep your devices secure on the go...
How VoIP Enhances Small Businesses
VoIP or voice over internet protocol is often referred to as an internet-based telephone. It uses the internet to make phone calls instead of the traditional telephone technology.