Now that IT infrastructure is so integrated into every aspect of our business, it is inconceivable to think about having to function without it – even for a very short period of time.  In this day and age, a disaster recovery plan is essential to keep your operations up and running in the event of an emergency.  But many small to medium sized companies may struggle with the ability to create the necessary processes and redundant systems to stay operational.

A managed services company can help you to not only prepare, but to recover more quickly – no matter the circumstance.

IT companies Tampa

Why Do You Need a Disaster Recovery Plan?

Every aspect of your business is probably automated – from billing, to order processing, to payroll. If you lose your ability to access your systems, virtually everything comes to a screeching halt. Unfortunately, today’s consumers are not known to be understanding if your website goes down, or if they cannot access their account. Not only is it possible that your client base may head to one of your competitors for the short term, but studies have shown that many may not return.

It is absolutely imperative that your systems are kept online, that your transactions are not disrupted, and that your client’s data is kept safe. So how can a small or medium sized business possibly protect themselves in a cost effective way? We suggest considering hiring a managed services company.

Free eBook: Natural Disaster Survival Guide: Hurricanes or Coastal Storms

Every business has to prepare for the worst. Those that don’t may never fully recover from a disaster. But not all disasters are created equal. And not all businesses are at risk for every kind of disaster. That’s why we’ve put together this quick disaster survival reference guide to help you ensure that your business can keep operating even if a natural disaster strikes.

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How Can Managed Services Help Your Business?

  • Assess Your Current Situation: When creating a disaster recovery plan, you will first want to perform some form of technology and business assessment. This exercise will allow you to accurately record what hardware, software, and processes are currently in place, as well as to identify what your current vulnerabilities are. A managed services firm can help you to determine how to plan for growth, as well as give you recommendations as to how to save money with your current situation.
  • Offsite Solutions & Expertise: Managed services companies offer many services which not only create a more secure and recoverable environment, but will also provide your company with an expert team of professionals. For instance, moving your data processing offsite utilizing cloud computing will protect you from losing your data and technology if your physical location is damaged or inaccessible. Mirroring your data onto remote servers will allow your operations to seamlessly switch over if necessary, and your phone calls can be rerouted to employee cell phones.
  • Cyber Protections: One of the greatest dangers in today’s computing environment is cyber crime, hackers and malware. Not only can these cyber threats shut down your systems and cripple your business, but they can also steal your customer data and leave you open to lawsuits. This is one area that managed services companies can be a huge help. These firms employ teams of IT professionals who are highly proficient in monitoring for new threats, as well as helping clients to have the very best protections in place – including firewalls and anti-virus software. If your firm does not have a team of IT professionals who have time to stay on top of the always-emerging threats – and few companies do – having a managed services firm keeping an eye out for danger will give substantial peace of mind.

Overall, a managed services firm can help you to:

  • assess your current technology budget and situation
  • give recommendations as to how to streamline your current business
  • provide alternatives to outsource services and reduce your own overhead
  • protect your business against cyber threats and crime
  • take over operations in the event that your location becomes disabled

If you are hoping to update your disaster recovery plan to better reflect the current needs of your business, call Alliance IT. We would love to help you achieve the protection you and your clients deserve.