A recent Gallup poll revealed some of the most jarring workplace statistics we’ve seen in a long time regarding employee productivity. The poll showed that a staggering 85% of employees reported being either “not engaged” (67%) or “actively disengaged” (18%) while at work. These numbers signify that at any given time, 85% of the workforce is not contributing to productivity and the bottom line of their organization.

employee productivity Sarasota

We know that great employees do their best, but the limitations of others’ lack of productivity can drag down your company’s performance. The good news is that technology can help increase productivity among all employees, even those putting in a full day’s work. The right tools, after all, make any job more manageable.

Employee Productivity – Smarter Not Harder

Traditionally, the most productive employee was thought to be the one who put in the longest hours. We now know that the most productive employees effectively use the time, tools, and technology for the best results. There are ways that business owners can maximize their best employees’ output and raise the levels of productivity for some of their less engaged workers. These include:

Focus Applications: Working on the internet is possibly the most challenging part of keeping focused. Let’s face it, fun and interesting diversions are just a click away. Some of the industry’s best minds are developing powerful focus applications that can help keep people’s minds on the task at hand. But these are not babysitting applications – the employee uses them as a type of self-regulating tool. Experts say that the most effective distraction blocking apps should be capable of:

  • Blocking selected websites and/or apps, chosen by the user
  • Setting a timer to block all distracting apps for a set period
  • Having multiple or tedious steps to disable (not just a simple click)

Motivational Messages: Employers can install pop-up messages that offer encouragement and tips. These can appear once the employee has worked continuously for a set period of time, and even provide occasional fun surprises such as jokes or small prizes. You may not think it appropriate to reward employees for simply doing the job they are paid for. However, if they know they can obtain a fun perk by sticking to it, they may feel inspired to work more and waste less time. You can also include a pop-up to share feedback about what they are working on so that employees feel that their voice is being heard.

Data Protection and Automated Backups: There is nothing more frustrating than working on a project and having it suddenly disappear due to a glitch. If the employer installs tools to auto-backup regularly, there is a lot less opportunity for loss of work progress – resulting in a happier and more productive employee.

Collaborative Tools: Often, employees need information from a coworker or manager to continue their progress. However, getting up and walking around the office can cause a serious break in productivity. Providing collaborative tools such as Microsoft Teams will allow quick communication and a rapid return to the workflow.

Streamline your Tasks: One of the more common productivity
killers are the overlapping of tasks – that is, two employees working on the same task. You can utilize an application to list and assign tasks and notify others when a task is claimed or completed. Also, you can add time tracking software to streamline your workflow, assess productivity, and keep employees engaged.

The benefits of technology for your business will also extend to your customers, clients, and partners. As you see engagement and productivity increase, you should also see customer satisfaction rise due to simplified and time-saving processes.

If you need help assessing your current processes and adding the right productivity tools for your business – call Alliance IT. We can assist by consulting with your team or applying our managed services model to work side by side with your organization.