The decision to hire a managed services company to assist with your IT department is an important one. Your organization relies on it’s technological capabilities to do everything from process orders to protect confidential data, and advances to both hardware and software move rapidly. Consulting with a managed services firm is a great way to gain confidence that you are keeping up with all the changes.

Whether you are looking to save time, gain expertise, or maximize budget, there are some questions you should ask to determine that you are hiring the right people to assist at your company.

Questions for a Managed Services Company Proposal

  • Have you worked with a company like ours before? If the managed services company has worked with clients in your industry before, they may have some idea as to the unique challenges you face. You can also ask if the IT outsourcing firm has worked with companies of your size, or with a similar IT configuration.
  • Can you handle my current situation? Ask about the experience level of the IT managed services company in regards to your exact hardware and software. You have likely made a significant investment up until this point, and do not want to have to start over. You should feel confident that a new managed services firm can handle user questions and inquiries regarding your current structure from the onset of the contract.
  • What do you suggest for my organization’s next steps? Although the managed services company will not have intimate knowledge of your organization, they should have enough expertise to make suggestions regarding how to streamline, save money, and grow utilizing the new and emerging technologies. When you sign a contract, it is important to not only feel covered for today’s network, but have a plan for tomorrow’s growth.
  • How do you handle data safety and security? The threat of cyber attacks, hacks and viruses is one of the most dangerous issues which a company can face. Knowledge of the latest in firewalls, anti-virus software, and security protocols is imperative when choosing a managed service company. Be sure to understand the steps which will be take, both inside your organization and within their infrastructure.
  • What are the levels of support we can expect? Everyone involved needs to understand the nature of the relationship, from available hours of contact to delegation of responsibilities. In the best situation, a managed services firm will work as an extension of your organization, and not as an independent entity which operates without feedback from you. You may also wish to ask about the staff expertise for those areas in which you have the most exposure and concern.
  • Is the contract flexible? In the IT world, the only thing which is consistent is the constant change. Your IT services contract should provide flexibility for growth, new strategies, developing threats, and more. Although a strong partnership is invaluable, both parties should also be able to extricate themselves from the contract if the parameters change drastically.
  • How can we communicate? For most organizations, IT services are a necessity 24 x 7. Web presence, online order processing and customer accounts are often required to be accessible around the clock, meaning that your network should be continuously monitored. Cyber attacks and security breaches also know no time table, so it is imperative that your managed services partner has the capability to not only be aware of the situation at all times, but is available for consult whenever an emergency arises.

Hiring a managed services company to help with your IT strategy may be the smartest move you ever make – IT issues develop quickly and demand competent response.

Alliance IT has been helping Sarasota area businesses to maximize their organization through the power of IT expertise for decades. We look forward to speaking with you about how we complement your growth and ensure your security.