2022 Gartner research discovered the most evident workforce trends emerging in the new year, and coming in second place is the continued rise of hybrid employment environments. Hybrid work models give company employees more flexibility and the choice to work from a home office – but productivity and network security concerns must also be considered. Hybrid work environments redefine the workplace to go beyond the confines of the traditional office, developing a new ecosystem of employees never seen before in history. 

hybrid work models Sarasota

  1. Flexible Hybrid Model: In this scenario, employees select where they will have a desk and choose their own work hours according to individual work priorities and daily tasks. Some people may feel more productive working at a home office, while others may opt to go to the office in search of collaboration and feedback. Employees are trusted to decide how to best complete their work for the day. This structure offers ultimate flexibility while strengthening a trust-based relationship between employee and employer. Morale and employee loyalty generally increase significantly under a flexible hybrid model, and companies benefit from minimal overhead and enhanced productivity.
  2. Fixed Hybrid: With fixed hybrid work models, the business assigns specific days or hours that employees may work remotely or in the office. Management typically draws up a schedule dictating when individual teams should come to the office and when they are expected to stay home. This method protects the collaboration many employees need to maintain productivity but allows for reduced overhead expenses as less office space is required. Employees can develop their work/life balance around the days they will commute, and the days they will have more personal flexibility. Even though this model benefits both employees and employers, some workers who had grown accustomed to solely working from home are opposed to scheduled days in the office.
  3. Office-First Hybrid: Under the office-first structure, employees are expected to work in the traditional office space most of the time, but they are provided with the flexibility to select some days or hours to work remotely. As an example, the business may require the employee to work in the office for four of the five weekdays. Another option is to give employees eight days per month. They will be allowed to work from home. This model offers flexibility and individual choice while maintaining the company culture. Employees like this structure as it allows them the freedom to schedule personal appointments or days needed to watch their children without stress from their management.
  4. Remote-First Hybrid: Conversely, the remote-first hybrid arrangement allows employees to work remotely most of the time, with the option of occasionally accessing coworking spaces for meetings, training, or collaboration. While the structure is typically beneficial for both productivity and job satisfaction, there is an increased potential that employees may begin to lose touch with the camaraderie that an office affords. Protecting company culture and morale may also prove more challenging.

Companies must address one underlying aspect of all of these models – how can the organizational network adapt to facilitate the desired structure? If your business has evolved into a hybrid workplace over the last several years, the IT team must maintain control over the network’s resiliency and security issues. From ensuring each employee is performing necessary upgrades to casting a wide cybersecurity net over the IT systems, Alliance IT is the partner you need. Call today to earn more about scheduling your tech assessment and learn more about how we can fill in any gaps caused by the significant changes of the last three years.