In a recent blog, we discussed performing a mid-year IT assessment for your organization. This article will discuss the assessment goals and objectives that will guide the specific efforts of your organization. To begin with, a vital characteristic of the mid-year assessment goals should be to identify any components of the system that are no longer functioning at the required level. These may include:

managed services provider IT assessment goals

  • Legacy Hardware and Software: The assessment will determine if there are legacy systems holding back your performance or not capable of supporting new applications that must be added.
  • Utilization of Resources: The assessment will determine whether the company’s IT resources are leveraged optimally or if there are points of redundancy that can be eliminated.
  • System Compatibility: The assessment will look for compatibility issues between various hardware and software elements.
  • Determining Bottlenecks: The assessment will locate any bottlenecks (points at which the flow of data is hindered or blocked), resulting in less performance and efficiency. These bottlenecks may include limited bandwidth or outdated network infrastructure, insufficient storage, lack of scalability, and inadequate processing capabilities that adversely affect critical performance.

Evaluating Security and Compliance Issues

A business cannot protect themselves adequately against threats if they are not aware of their vulnerabilities. A security and compliance assessment protects against possible threats, enforces adherence to legal issues, and builds operational trust and integrity in an ever-changing environment. Therefore, the assessment should be aimed at the identification of:

  • Obsolete Security Measures: Inadequate security practices that are causing vulnerabilities.
  • Gaps in Compliance: Not meeting regulatory standards that open the organization up to potential legal and financial risks.

Finally, the goal and objective of an IT assessment are to discover any areas that need improvement and can be optimized and to point out new technologies or process improvements that can significantly enhance operational productivity and efficiency. Allocating resources where they are required or where they can offer the most benefit drives businesses closer to strategic long-term objectives.

Understanding Your Strategic Gameplan

Evaluating existing IT systems is the first step in understanding and improving the comprehensive effectiveness of company infrastructure.

Pinpointing outdated or inefficient systems, identifying potential bottlenecks and areas of weakness, and determining where optimization and improvement can take place allows companies to demonstrate that their IT infrastructure is:

  • robust
  • secure
  • capable of supporting operational requirements

IT Assessment and Evaluation Methods

Several methods are available to effectively assess the state of existing IT systems, including:

  • Technical Audits: A comprehensive review of all hardware and software elements
  • Performance Analysis: Monitoring and evaluation of system performance to discover inefficiencies
  • User Feedback Surveys: Collecting feedback from the end-users to understand tangible challenges and practical needs
  • Compliance and Security Audits: Guaranteeing that systems comply with legal and industry standards and are fortified against threats
  • Identifying Inefficient or Obsolete Systems: Identifying systems that are no longer functioning at the level the organization requires.

Identify Mid-Year IT Assessment Goals with Alliance IT

By working with Alliance IT, Sarasota SMBs can use tested methods to evaluate their current IT systems and make adjustments to reach assessment goals before the end of the year. These assessments will also give companies the strategic knowledge they need to prepare for the following year’s budget and goals.

Alliance IT is a managed services company based in Sarasota. We provide technical consulting, cloud services, structured cabling, and more, allowing smaller companies to compete within their market even if they cannot afford the resources they need in-house. Alliance IT is your partner and an extension of your IT department. To learn more, call Alliance IT today. We are here to help.