Hello everybody. Kevin Baylor, Alliance IT. Hope you’re having a great day, enjoying the week and ready for a quick little blurb about cloud computing, which I know may be a mundane term. But, you know, in the first quarter, we’ve moved over 30 servers up into Microsoft Azure. So we’re seeing a rapid adoption to additional and third party cloud services.

So really kind of briefly just wanted to touch on that. We’re seeing clients that are looking to get infrastructure out of their office faster. You know, this year as I mentioned before, there’s a lot of upgrades going on due to old hardware, old software. So now is really the time if you’re going to make a move to the cloud or if you’ve just kind of dipped your toes in the cloud.

We’re seeing a lot of small, mid-sized businesses making that jump right into Azure. There’s a lot of benefits for it. You don’t have those large upfront hardware expenditures. You don’t have a lot of in-house security risk to worry about. You’ve got some built-in redundancy. You’ve got some built-in offsite backups with the way we structure our clients in Azure and you’ve got us to manage it for you. Well, it’s better. You don’t have to worry about anything, right?

Well, you have to worry about a few things.

The idea is that we’re going to be there with you while you’re worrying. Hybrid cloud, multi-cloud, single cloud. It all really depends on what your business needs are.

Do you need to be in Amazon and Azure? Maybe, maybe not. The clients that we see using those multi-cloud environments, typically they’re not relying on one cloud to back up the other and being redundant. We’re generally seeing – you’ve got dedicated applications or certain applications or a piece of your environment in one cloud and other applications in your infrastructure in another cloud.

The hybrid cloud is where we really see businesses taking an advantage of multiple vendors for a single platform. So whether you’ve got some applications on premise and you want to get some redundancy up in the cloud or you really need to take what you may have in one vendor such as Amazon and what you have in Microsoft and really have the two rely on one another.

Maybe you have some SQL databases sitting on one and your application frontend is sitting on another cloud and those two really need to talk to one another. That’s where we see that hybrid cloud come in and be a benefit to the businesses.

But if you’re a small, “simple” environment, a single-cloud provider for you is most likely going to be your best bet and we’re really seeing Microsoft Azure being that choice for those businesses.

It’s easy. It’s painless and it’s rather quick as well.

If you’ve got questions about the cloud, come see us. Kevin Baylor, Alliance IT.