Server virtualization is not a new concept, but is gaining rapidly in both usage and reputation in the IT world.

Server virtualization is defined as the partitioning of a physical server into smaller virtual servers. Traditionally, a single server was dedicated to a single task – for instance, you may have a server running accounting software, a server running inventory software, and a server running your email. It is estimated that in this environment, most servers were only operating at about 15% of their total capacity – meaning that a lot of operating power was being wasted.

server virtualization

How Does Server Virtualization Change Your Business?

Server virtualization is the best solution to maximize your server resources and minimize wasted resource. Software is used to divide the physical server into multiple virtual environments, called virtual or private servers – and it all happens unbeknownst to your users. The virtual server has the ability to run multiple operating systems simultaneously, consolidating your accounting, inventory and email (in the example above) onto a single piece of optimized hardware. In this environment, a single server can replace multiple servers – saving space, money, energy and IT resource.

    • Fewer Servers, Fewer Costs: Although there are some upfront costs associated with consolidating your servers, in the long run you will save money. You need less physical hardware, meaning that your footprint is smaller and you will require less space to situate and operate your technology. Your maintenance costs will be reduced with fewer machines, and you may even be able to reduce the number of your IT staff, depending on how many were dedicated to maintaining the server environment.
    • Lower Energy Costs: Having a server farm running 24 x 7 requires electricity to power the machines, as well as sufficient cooling capacity to keep the servers and the environment from getting too warm. Although a smaller budget savings than other elements of server virtualization, money is money – and any budget relief is generally applauded! You will be operating a “greener” environment as well, important to many of today’s organizations.
    • Increased Operational Efficiency: In addition to reducing hardware and infrastructure costs, server virtualization can be instrumental in improving both ROI and IT operational efficiency. It may reduce staffing needs and minimize server administration issues. Virtualization tools will assist in capacity planning, automated server configuration, workload balancing on virtual servers to maximize performance, and configuring management databases.
    • Disaster Proof Redundancy: While nothing is 100% foolproof, server virtualization allows you to easily and quickly create redundancy across virtual servers. Therefore if one goes down, your applications and operations can instantly come back up on another server. Because each server can run partitioned disparate OS systems, you can recover systems across your available virtual servers. While backup used to take a lot more time and money, it is now seamless with server virtualization. Traditionally, a redundant server for disaster recovery would require additional hardware, licensing, and the time and personnel required to sustain a redundant environment.

    Using Managed Services for Server Virtualization

    Most managed services offerings and cloud services employ server virtualization, and can further help you to streamline costs. Not only will they eliminate the need to keep extra IT staff on your payroll, but they can maximize your efficiencies. Of course, in areas like Sarasota and Tampa which are susceptible to major storms and power outages, having your server capability offsite reflects a strong business continuity model.

    The expert team at Alliance IT is happy to discuss your current server situation, and to help you to assess the effect of onsite server virtualization or offsite managed services. We want you to have all of the information you need to make an informed decision – call us today!