The term “cloud” refers to how the internet can connect the data of different computers at the same time while making it accessible to numerous people within an organization, in real-time.

Cloud computing is the system of using the internet to synchronize data on different databases through your software. The “cloud” is just a symbol of the internet.

For example, if you upload your picture to something like Google Drive, do you know where exactly it is stored, or the location of that hard drive? Do you know who has access to your files and sensitive information?

When you’re uploading photos of your recent BBQ, that’s not such an important question. But when you’re talking about a small business, this becomes a vital question that needs an answer.

While cloud computing is a smart decision for your small business, there are a few things to consider when taking your small business onto a cloud-based system. We have listed down a few tips for you if you are thinking about moving your business to the cloud:

Contract Terms:

Before signing a contract with a cloud service provider, there are a few things you need to get out of your way.

The first and foremost is the price of the software. See if it’s feasible. Does it add to your profit or cause a loss?

Next, you need to figure out the flexibility of the cloud service. Learn what would happen if you wanted to upgrade or downgrade the system. And what are the details of a change such as this?

What are the legal obligations if you want to terminate the contract and stop using the service.

If the service providers are in a different country, what would be the legal restrictions of the contract clauses?


As much good as the internet and its community has done, there are still some not-so-good people out there, whom we cannot ignore. These people hack into databases and sell/ leak confidential information.

It’s vital that you feel protected from the acts of such people. Inquire about how your software provider would make sure that your data is not compromised.

Implementing the appropriate enterprise-wide privacy framework and adopting the right technology is critical.

Know how much responsibility they will have when it comes to your data protection.

Contingency Plan:

There could be a situation where the software goes down, or you are no longer in control of the network. Find out what is their protocols are for these situations.

How will the business continue and is there a backup system in place? Find out all the details regarding unforeseen circumstances and emergencies, to avoid problems in the future.

It’s important to have contingency plans in place prior to making your transition, to make sure that you’re prepared in the event that there’s an issue.

It’s important to have contingency plans in place prior to making your transition, to make sure that you’re prepared… Click to Tweet


Having a cloud-based system for your business has many benefits. With small businesses running so ubiquitously in 2018, it’s important to cover all your bases when making your decision.

It’s important to remember and recognize that your business is unique, and your cloud based system needs to be just as unique to specifically fit your needs. A consultation with an experienced managed IT company is the smartest tip we can give you. Ask lots of question, and make sure to get answers that you can understand.