The cloud is a network of robust servers and computers in various geographic data centers. When data is saved to the cloud, it is stored on those remote computers rather than on a local device (such as a phone or desktop computer.) Once uploaded to the cloud, files are securely stored and accessible via any internet connection. Because of the massive volume of data managed in the cloud, data centers generally have vast amounts of processing power and storage space.  The term “cloud computing” describes the on-demand delivery of computing resources over a network.  Cloud computing offers on-demand access to a shared inventory of servers, storage, databases, networking, and software applications without the need to keep physical infrastructure in-house.
cloud computing services near me

In 2024, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure are the big players in the growing cloud services industry. Experts agree that by next year, 200 zettabytes of data will be stored globally – and that 50% of that data will reside in the cloud. Why is cloud technology enjoying such rapid adoption? Here are the top benefits of cloud computing.

  1. Affordability and Savings: One of the primary advantages of the cloud is the potential for financial savings. For one thing, cloud computing reduces or eliminates the need for the purchase and maintenance of physical hardware and infrastructure. Additionally, the pricing structure is typically ‘pay-as-you-go’, meaning that companies only need to pay for required resources, optimizing expenses while preventing the problems of overinvesting in data center hardware.
  2. Flexibility and Scalability: Cloud computing flexibly scales resources as the demand requires, allowing companies to respond to evolving market conditions, preventing investment in underutilized data centers. The same agility gives organizations the ability to rapidly scale up if a sudden spike in traffic or demand should occur.
  3. Accessibility and Mobility: With cloud computing, users can gain access to their data and applications anytime and anywhere. Cloud computing is a necessity for companies employing hybrid or remote workers.
  4. Technology Innovation: Cloud computing provides access to new tools and technologies to companies who may not otherwise be able afford them; providing support for innovation without the high startup costs. Cloud computing allows for reduced expenses, enhanced security and better collaboration, giving companies of all sizes the ability to compete.
  5. Robust Collaboration: Cloud computing can improve company efficiency and productivity due to easy access to shared files, resources and networks. Cloud collaboration allows for real-time commenting and editing, providing the flexibility to work anytime and anywhere.
  6. Sustainability: Cloud computing represents less need for onsite hardware components and on-premise infrastructure, which is a significant benefit to the environment. On-site infrastructure can be exceptionally power-hungry, but cloud computing can potentially reduce energy consumption and costs.
  7. Advanced Security: Enhanced security is a hallmark of cloud services, as vendors utilize centrally managed and maintained security features to keep nefarious players away from systems. Cloud security is now a specialized field of its own, considered a necessary response to the sheer amounts of data being stored. In addition to storing data, cloud service vendors may also monitor applications, encrypt data, and identify breaches.
  8. Preventing Data Loss / Disaster Recovery: Cloud storage is instrumental in preventing data loss due to hardware malfunctions, bad actors or simple user error. Most cloud vendors offer features that automate backups, making it possible to recover data quickly in the event of a catastrophic failure. Many opt for data storage in the cloud while maintaining a copy on physical hardware as a contingency.
  9. Insights & Analytics: Cloud computing has also had a significant influence on business intelligence, as it delivers real-time access to organizational data that can identify trends, establish business objectives, analyze supply chains and optimize processes. Cloud services allow businesses to make timely, data-driven decisions to react appropriately to evolving market conditions.

Alliance IT is a managed services provider that helps Sarasota area companies to evaluate their operations and migrate to the cloud as appropriate. Are you ready to learn more? Call Alliance IT today.