To my many friends and clients at Alliance IT / Ring Authority,

After many years of making many friends and contacts while at Alliance IT, the time has come for me to enjoy the next chapter of my life along with my wife, Jane, and my family. I have been working with Kevin and Chuck for some time to prep for this time and make a smooth transition for this change.

Effective immediately, I am taking the remainder of my PTO time which will have me out of the office until the end of October at which time I will be officially retired and enjoying life as a retiree.

It has been a pleasure working with all of my clients over the years and have enjoyed the relationships that have been built and working with a great family of co-workers at Alliance IT / Ring Authority. Please to keep Alliance IT / Ring authority in mind for all your IT, telephone and data cabling needs and continue to refer your friends and business associates to us.

Whereas many of you have called me directly for questions and support, please redirect these enquiries to the following persons:

My team will happily assist you with your needs.

Again, it has been a pleasure for the past almost six years and I wish all of you peace, love and happiness.


Bill Sloman
Senior Account Executive – Alliance IT / Ring Authority (retired 😀)