Alliance IT Blog
COVID-19 Could Radically Shift Business Operations
As of this writing, the state of Florida has begun the process of reopening its beaches and businesses after the COVID-19 epidemic. But as we move back into some sense [...]
5 A/V Necessities for Great Presentations
Even the best presentation with the most insightful facts can be ruined by out-of-date presentation materials, clunky equipment and poor graphics.
Strategic Managed Services – The Real Value
Budget and expertise are powerful reasons to consider outsourcing your IT, but they are not the only benefits of strategic managed services.
Must-Have Gadgets for Working at Home
As work-from-home situations become more popular, these must-have gadgets will turn the remote office into a comfortable permanent workspace. .
Cloud to Cloud Data Backup
Businesses who are storing critical data in the cloud may wish to consider the redundancy of cloud to cloud data backup to protect themselves.
How VoIP Can Help Your Business
Whether for scalability, convenience or professional reasons, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) may be the next logical step for your small business.
4 Risks of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
A BYOD policy may cause concern within the IT department, who recognize the security nightmares which can arise from company data on a personal device.
Implementing Single Sign-On (SSO)
Single sign-on is preferred by users who hate having to remember multiple passwords.. However, this method does represent risk to enterprise security.
4 Common Internet Problems
For those of you who are not used to the new work from home environment, here is our list of 4 common internet problems - and what you can do to fix them.
4 Tips to Acquaint Users with New Technologies
If you are a business owner who is looking to integrate new technologies into your everyday operations, you could face serious frustration from users.
Make Sure Your Remote Workforce is Secure
Working remotely has become more common over the last decade than ever before. The technology advancements, bandwidth speeds and advances in mobile devices have made this possible for many. However, [...]
Implementing a Work-From-Home Strategy
Setting up a work-from-home strategy will help companies to weather the current crisis, but may help long-term with decreases in overhead.