Seemingly overnight, businesses have had to shift from a traditional office environment to a largely remote workforce.  The first order of business was making sure that employees had the right technology and communications in order to effectively and securely do their jobs. As we head into the second month of this new arrangement, people are settling in and getting accustomed to working remotely. In fact, some experts think the situation may inspire a movement across society – more companies willing to give their employees flexibility, and more employees wanting to work – at least partially – from home. If some of these situations become permanent, we have some ideas for must-have gadgets to make the remote office a comfortable permanent office.

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If you will be working more frequently from home, you may wish to consider some of these year’s must-have gadgets.

Standing Desks: Regardless of where you work, sitting all day is not good for your health. However, people are surprised to learn that they actually tend to work longer hours from home, so movement is especially important. When setting up a home office, look into a standing desk. Models range from expensive, high tech desks to compact desktop models. Look for one which allows you to move from sitting to standing easily.

Ergonomic Chairs: The chair in your home office may not be designed for all-day use. It doesn’t take long before an ergonomically-challenged chair will begin to put strain on your back, legs and neck. Invest in a quality chair which will allow you to sit comfortably at the right height – but don’t forget to get up and walk around at least once an hour! Of course, you can alternate between your ergonomic chair and your standing desk.

Better Monitors: Offices typically have lighting which is conducive to work. A home office doesn’t necessarily have the most optimal lighting for easy screen viewing. Try a new high end monitor with a huge, easy to view screen – complete with high pixel resolution and LED backlighting for brightness. Not only will your work be easier, they are great for entertainment as well.

Full Size Keyboards: Many people work at a desktop at the office, but have a personal laptop or tablet which they use for games, internet browsing or personal email. When employees were sent home, many simply chose to utilize their device for work purposes – and were surprised how hard  it is to type anything substantial on a small keyboard. Purchasing a full sized keyboard to connect to your device makes typing, communicating and data entry much more efficient.

Noise Cancelling Headphones: There is a big difference between working in your private office and working at home, especially with the kids home all day too. If you need to tune out the family chatter, dog barking, or TV noise, invest in a good pair of noise cancelling headphones. Find a set that are comfortable to wear and sound great on company or client phone calls. Some will even pause the audio of what you are listening to when you take them off and go to the kitchen for a snack.

Upgrade your Coffee Maker: For those used to ordering from a barista at the coffee shop, a pot of coffee just won’t do. When you work from home,  programmable brewers become an essential piece of equipment. Whether you want cold brew, latte-style creations, or a traditional cup of strong black – these must-have gadgets will froth and brew in coffeehouse style, keep your drinks at the perfect temperature, and even choose from multiple sizes – up to a full carafe.

If you are a Sarasota area boss or business owner who needs help transitioning your business to a remote environment, temporarily or for the long haul – call the experts at Alliance IT.