Alliance IT Blog
5 Technology Advances to Get Excited About in 2019
With so many new technology advances appearing on a daily basis, it may seem overwhelming to stay on top of the changes. To help you out, here are 5 of the top trends we see which are positioned to affect your life in a positive way.
Hiring a Managed Services Firm Gives Business a Competitive Edge
These days, businesses are looking to cut costs wherever possible. Running a more lean organization often translates to less overhead - but at what cost? In a competitive marketplace, businesses [...]
Should You Be Backing Up Your Office365?
I know a lot of you that are using Office 365 may think, “Well, why do I need to back it up? Microsoft is doing that, right?” Well, not really. You want to look at your software agreement and know that they have language in there called “Best Case” or “Best Effort”.
Train Your Employees to Recognize Spam and Phishing Scams
The troubling increase in cyber and data breaches is often associated with overt criminal hacks - they make the headlines and cause companies billions of dollars per year. However, one [...]
3 Ways Technology Can Help Your Marketing Strategy
The two most critical goals for a business strategically employing technology are increasing sales revenue and gaining competitive advantage. Technology is greatly assisting in these goals in many ways, with some of the most meaningful outlined here.
What Is Microsoft Teams, And How Can It Help Your Business?
Microsoft Teams is more powerful than Skype for Business ever was and is more comparable to programs like Slack for communication and project management.
Is Your Cyber Security Budget Sufficient?
Securing your online data and important records is no longer a matter of luxury or convenience - it is a matter of necessity. In a recent study, experts reported that [...]
Industry 4.0 & It’s Impact On Manufacturers
We’re going to talk a little bit today about some of the struggles and the strategies that manufacturers should be taking in terms of moving towards the next industrial revolution, so Industry 4.0.
Stress-Free Office Relocation – Managed Services
No matter the reason for your company moving from one location to another, the entire process can seem rather overwhelming. As with a residential move, the sheer amount of "stuff" [...]
What is Server Virtualization?
Server virtualization is not a new concept, but is gaining rapidly in both usage and reputation in the IT world. Server virtualization is defined as the partitioning of a physical [...]
We’re Making Heroes Every Day At Alliance IT
You want to look at your business as a whole and we want to help with that technology piece of it, whether it’s disaster recovery, offsite backups or simply some IT oversight or guidance on your projects. So give Alliance IT a call and we can help you be a hero as well.
What is G Suite and How Does it Benefit You?
G Suite (aka Google apps) is a hosted service from Google, which brings together essential services and applications to help your business. This service allows organizations of all kinds to [...]