
Cloud Solutions

22 03, 2021

More About Microsoft OneDrive

By |2021-07-20T08:49:25+00:00March 22nd, 2021|Cloud Solutions, Microsoft|0 Comments

If your organization has a Microsoft 365 subscription, chances are that you also have access to OneDrive - Microsoft's cloud-based online storage solution.  Microsoft OneDrive allows users to keep their created files stored both on their computer and synched with the cloud. Any number of devices, such as laptops, phones, and tablets can be synched  [...]

5 10, 2020

Remote Workforce Concerns & Issues

By |2023-12-30T04:19:05+00:00October 5th, 2020|Cloud Solutions, Managed Services|0 Comments

We have discussed it before in this space. The rapid pace at which businesses were forced to transform from traditional offices to supporting a remote workforce forced fast solutions and workarounds. But as this situation has settled into a bit of normalcy, many businesses have decided to incorporate work-from-home flexibility into their overall strategy - [...]