Steps to Recover from a Cyber or Malware Attack
Malware and cyber threats are all too commonplace - here's how to fight back and recover should your organization be affected by an attack.
Malware and cyber threats are all too commonplace - here's how to fight back and recover should your organization be affected by an attack.
Hackers and cytber criminals relentlessly attempt to breach your data. What have we learned from recent cyber attacks about how to combat the threat?
Cybersecurity visibility gives administrators a clear understanding of the company’s potential threats - as well as how to respond to them,
There is no doubt that the IT universe is becoming a more dangerous place. Ransomware, malware, hacking, security breaches, identify theft - these topics dominate the news and have become a part of our reality. As the majority of small to medium sized businesses have moved their day-to-day operations completely online, these firms must consider [...]
The troubling increase in cyber and data breaches is often associated with overt criminal hacks - they make the headlines and cause companies billions of dollars per year. However, one of the more overlooked ways that pesky (or dangerous) bugs or viruses can be infused into your organization's network is much more commonplace and seemingly [...]
Securing your online data and important records is no longer a matter of luxury or convenience - it is a matter of necessity. In a recent study, experts reported that 55% of small businesses have sustained a cyber breach over a 12 month period. That means that you have more of a chance of being [...]
Often, when people think of a malware attack, trojan threat or cyber hack, they assume that the criminals are targeting large financial institutions or retail giants. The fact is that increasingly, small to medium sized businesses are the targets of these cyber crimes. This is due to the fact that they often have less stringent [...]
There’s a lot of things that a small, mid-sized business owner and businesses can do to help prevent security breaches.
Any firm, organization or medical practice which deals with Personal Health Information (PHI) is bound by the laws and regulations set forth in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Personal health information includes all paper or electronic patient records, and guidelines are designed to restrict access to PHI to only those parties [...]
According to a report by USA Today, 2018 saw billions of people affected by data breaches, with attacks up 47% in the second quarter alone.