In this space, we define technology as servers, network hardware and communications devices – but technology advancements have touched very aspect of our lives. From our phones to our appliances to our cars – every aspect of our day is touched by some way by the latest electronic gadgets.  We wave our credit cards in the general directon of a kiosk, and pay for our groceries. We schedule bank transfers from our phone , sipping a latte in a crowded coffee shop. When it comes to vehicles, car fobs have revolutionized the simple act of opening our doors.  A wifi signal now allows  us to walk up to the vehicle with the fob in our pocket or purse and unlock the door without turning a key. However, these high-tech capabilities represent points of vulnerability – areas that allow hackers and thieves to infiltrate and steal our data and information with increasingly sophisticated cybercrime.

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In an age of rapidly advancing technologies, the average person’s life has become entirely enmeshed with a myriad of personal digital devices and systems. And although many of the cars on the road pre-date onboard computers, those days are nearly over. Vehicles, once simple machinery, have evolved into complex technical devices on wheels. Unfortunately, with this advancement comes the potential for exploitation that exists with all devices connected to wifi and the cloud. In the last several years, those with bad intentions have identified and perfected a new way to stealcars, utilizing Bluetooth amplifying technology. A specialized amplifier has the ability to copy the data information from your car-key fob, thereby obtaining access to your vehicle even without physically using a key or FOB.  The amplifier can be purchased online for as little as $17 on popular sites, and has a range of up to nearly 100 yards, meaning that cirminals don’t even need to be close to you to exploit your data. When the key fob is within range of the car, the amplifier captures the fob data and sends it to another device nearer to the car, mimicking the key fob and opening the door. This frightening trend has led to a significant uptick in car thefts, as bad actors exploit this vulnerability to steal cars more quickly and easily.

These cyber-criminals are getting more spohisticated and creative – but not only in the parking lot. Safeguarding every facet of your data, whether you are online or off, is more vital than ever. You may be able to take measures to protect your car key, but information traveling over the internet and into the cloud – such as bank account details – is a lot harder to hide and keep safe. If you are a business owner or IT professional, there is even more concern over the data of your employees, customers and partners. A single data breach is enough to set small or medium sized businesses back months – or destroy their business and reputation altogether.

Protecting Your Data from Cybercrime is Paramount

At Alliance IT, we focus on helping Sarasota area SMBs to optimize their networks, manage resources, and shore up their digital security. We provide the services necessary to safeguard your systems and networks against emerging cyber threats, ransoware, and other attacks.  In the ever-evolving world of technology, we help you to be aware of the new methods and strategies used by criminals in the cyberspace. We will help you to be prepared for cyber attacks, while implementing measures to make sure your employees are educated and cognizant of the risks. Call today to begin deveoping a strategy to protect your assets in an increasingly dangerous digital world.

Alliance IT is a professional managed services firm based in Sarasota, Florida.