While technology rollouts and implementation used to be spoken of in terms of multi-year plans, 2020 taught all of us that being fast on our feet and able to quickly adapt was a requirement. Survival meant being able to transform digital platforms immediately, not over 6 months. Some businesses fared better than others, as digital transformation represented only one of multiple tech challenges.

managed services IoT

But some organizations were able to adapt to the new reality, shifting business models and implementing sweeping changes to protect their data and reduce risk. In a world of uncertainty, we learned that adapting on the spot was possible – and many believe will become a  business necessity as we move forward, even after the pandemic is long gone.

Technology Changes on Fast Forward

Across industries, from education to manufacturing, years worth of transformation was squeezed into just weeks of planning and implementation.

Some businesses could adapt more easily than others. For office workers, the shift to working from home was fairly seamless, even as their network gurus raced to provide adequate security for data and networks. Major retail chains who already offered online shopping in addition to bricks and mortar simply shifted to “delivery or pick-up” options to service local shoppers.  This could be done with a skeleton staff.  However, those businesses who required full shifts of personnel, such as manufacturing production lines, struggled to stay up to speed on orders while protecting all of their line staff and management.  The educational system was almost completely transformed, as students all transitioned to distance learning.

All of these digital transformations did not have the luxury of proof-of-concept, beta testing or  phased rollouts. They moved rapidly, trusting the smart technology and their own expertise.

The New Normal? 

As stated, many experts believe that this new rapidity of change is here to stay, and not simply connected to this one crisis.  If companies can learn to transform as fast as their business demands, it heralds a whole new way of doing business. Of course, in order for this to in fact be the “new normal” for business, there needs to be strong confidence in solutions which can support those changes.

Until now, commercial IoT has been a compilation of individual components, which had to be customized and integrated into a business.  But that unique custom solution is harder to find support for, and can be more expensive to maintain. Scaling and managing over time becomes increasingly difficult as well.

IoT can be made simpler for business, however.

Free eBook: Building Your Cyber Security Strategy In Industry 4.0

The manufacturing sector is now one of the most hacked industries, second only to healthcare.

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Making IoT Simple for Business

Your data is connected to security badges, smart front doors and customer tracking information. All of the smart devices used on a normal business day are tied together, and can create a complex patchwork that becomes difficult to manage. Add to this the necessity to move quickly, and business often finds itself with a skills and knowledge gap. This is where managed services can provide a huge benefit. Our expert team is well-versed in all things data center, cloud, and IoT – meaning that you can ramp up your procedures quickly and proficiently.

In 2021, we are all looking for ways to increase productivity amidst ongoing challenges, and the speed of digital transformation is just one of them. At Alliance IT, we can take many of your challenges and create success- call us today to discuss how we can help your business adapt to the “new business normal.”