Hey everybody, Kevin Baylor, Alliance IT. I just thought I’ll try to take about 30 to 60 seconds out of your day and just kind of remind you of a couple of little places in Office 365 that you should go and take a peek at every now and then or somebody in your organization whether it’s IT or manager or a group of you. Things that you just want to kind of keep abreast as to what’s going on if you’re not getting email notices and things like that as the changes that Microsoft is doing, some good things out there and some things that may help your business as well.

So one of the things, if you go to Portal.Office.com, once you log in, go to your admin page, you should have a little admin app here. If you don’t, you can click on the dotted menu up here and then just select admin and that will take you to the admin page.

Once you are there, you want to come down here. Assuming that you’ve got the new and improved dashboard or look that Microsoft has put out there recently under health, we want to go over here to the message center.

So this message center, you may be getting these email updates or you may not but again, it’s a great place to know what’s happening in Microsoft like for those of you out there that took interest in Microsoft Flow when we talked about that in the past, Microsoft Flow is becoming Power Automate. Microsoft likes to change names of thing, Linux, Skype, Teams, maybe in time, it will stop.

So if you are using Flow, just know that it has got a new name coming out and it’s – they’re going to line up more with like Power BI and getting more information-driven apps out there as well.

But take a peek at this. Scroll down through it. If you are using SharePoint, you will see some features that are coming up. And if you are using Teams, you’ve got ways to add folks into it. And if you want to see what maybe you missed while you are out on vacation in the last month, you can scroll down here and take a peek and see what has been released. It gives you an idea when it’s going to be released, what cycle it’s going to be released in. They are improving search in Outlook. So again, if you are one that uses Outlook for your filing cabinet then this is probably would be a great benefit to you as well.

So if you are on Linux, we’ve got Microsoft Teams coming up for Linux, another great feature. So again, just take a peek at this every now and then. You don’t have to look at it every day. It doesn’t that often but once a month, somebody in your organization should be going out and looking at this. Find out what you are using in your organization, how this is going to help you. Get that communication out to your users and say, “Hey, this new feature is coming out,” or, “Hey, you are using this and it’s going to change so don’t call me when it changes because well, I’ve told you it is changing.” Be a little proactive. Help your organization out. Stay abreast Microsoft Message Center and Office 365.

Kevin Baylor, have a great day.