Whether you have been watching this blog or heard the news from another managed services firm, you’ve likely seen experts talking about software patches and updates. In fact, software patches are one of the easiest and more critical ways that you can fight against cyber attacks, yet are often ignored by both companies as a whole, as well as individual users.

Here are the top reasons for business of all sizes to pay attention when software vendors send out updates and upgrades.

software security updates

  1. Software patches and upgrades offer many benefits in one place. Software updates may seal up security vulnerabilities, fix or remove bugs, or even add new features to your software. As users provide feedback and experience glitches and problems, the software vendor continually revises their software to perform better and be safer overall. (Expert tip: be sure that not only your software applications, but your operating system is up-to-date.)
  2. Hackers and cyber criminals look for flaws and software vulnerabilities to exploit. A software vulnerability is defined as a weakness found in a software program which can be targeted by code which hackers have written. The malicious code is nestled into malware, ransomware and viruses. Sometimes, all your employee needs to do is view the wrong website, open an email link, or play media which has been infected. Not only do software patches keep hackers at bay, but the criminals look for companies who have not installed the patch on a known vulnerability in order to break in.
  3. Another way that software patches and upgrades keep hackers out is in regards to personal documents and information on employee devices. Personally identifiable information, such as personal communication and financial account information is irresistible to cyber-criminals. They can this information for identity theft for their personal use, or to sell your information on the dark web. In the case of a ransomware attack, criminals demand that you pay a “ransom” in order to regain access to your own encrypted data. Promptly installing software updates and patches will assist in keeping personal information safe as well.
  4. While someone accessing an individual’s information is devastating enough, many of these malicious software programs have the ability to spread to your contact list once it has infiltrated your account. Therefore one employee making a mistake can take down an entire company (or one well-meaning favorite aunt could infect the entire family with a funny video.) Software updates protect not only the individual, but the corporation and community.
  5. You pay for the latest version of your software, so why not take advantage of the service? Patches not only address security breaches, they often provide access to new features and improve your existing version. As the business community overall will be moving forward with the latest and greatest, why shouldn’t your company?
    Your software version may become safer, more robust, more stabile, more productive. You definitely want to have the best version available to you.

How you approach software patches and updates is a matter of personal preference. Some IT managers and network administrators prefer to personally review every update before applying across the board. However, small to medium sized business may find it safer and far more expedient to have their employee updates launch automatically when patches become available. Even reminding employees to perform updates is still likely to result in a few gaping holes that cyber criminals can exploit, as you can’t guarantee that it will get down.

If you would like more information on how to set up automatic updates, or to have Alliance IT take on the responsibility for your network security and upkeep, give us a call. Your security and privacy is too important to take lightly.