There are many potential IT and business infrastructure projects an organization can undertake at any given time. Therefore, it becomes important for any company to have the information necessary to allocate time and resources carefully. There are typically four primary kinds of IT infrastructure projects to consider: Web Development, Hardware, Software (including AI), and Network. Determining the exact projects that can help a business achieve its objectives can be challenging, but this article will help to narrow down the options.

business infrastructure consulting

First Things First: What is an Infrastructure Project?

An IT infrastructure project makes necessary changes to the core technology that the company depends on for its daily operations. Technology infrastructure impacts computers and servers, data centers, software platforms, the network, and cloud storage. Altering these vital components may appear risky, but the goals are equally important: enhancing performance, fortifying security, improving capabilities, and aligning technology infrastructure to an evolving environment.

There are many reasons to undertake these kinds of projects:

  • Maintaining the latest current IT infrastructure keeps companies competitive and improves operations
  • Enhancing the website for optimum user experience will engage customers and improve sales
  • Upgrading hardware can speed up and streamline operations
  • Frequently updating software improves performance and guarantees the latest security patches to protect against cyberattacks
  • Network enhancements provide fast, reliable connectivity, which is especially essential for remote or hybrid workforces

In other words, prioritizing strategic IT projects will result in better productivity and strengthened security.

4 Types of IT Infrastructure Projects

  1. Web Development: Before investing in any significant purchase, 81% of consumers do research online – and even more than that (90%) search for local businesses online. If web presence and website experience doesn’t meet their expectations, potential customers are likely to move on. The website’s interface, functionality, security, and design all play a role in customer experience. A website that is updated, simple to use, and has a contemporary design will encourage users to engage with it.An e-commerce business must both examine and understand the functionality of their online shopping system, keeping the end-user audience in mind. Companies should brainstorm ways to make their website more approachable and targeted to client interests. Depending on the amount of personalization and responsiveness needed, solutions may be relatively easy while adding significant value. AI-powered personalized recommendations or a chatbot are two of the most innovative and cutting-edge enhancements companies are considering.
  2. Hardware: When hardware is working properly, it can be easy to ignore. But when it no longer meets your needs, hardware can adversely impact productivity or even result in a halt to business operations. Routinely upgrading devices, servers, and network equipment is essential, and the resources placed into computers, storage, and peripherals guarantee that the team has what they need. As with web development projects, the need for hardware projects will vary based on the organization’s size and industry. For instance, if the majority of employees are mobile and require their own computer, a prudent option may be to buy laptops and docking stations rather than desktop computers.
  3. Software: Software infrastructure may include the operating system, user interfaces, apps, and any computer programs. Because they hear help desk requests, the IT department, in particular, can offer invaluable insight into the most pressing issues and opportunities associated with software. While updating software can seem overwhelming, it is essential for both efficiency and security. Evaluating the company’s software requirements and making changes as needed will significantly serve business goals and objectives. Software upgrades are often the most visible infrastructure projects, as they most impact their daily interactions with technology. Major changes to software will necessitate employee training and adoption to be successful. Remember that implementing infrastructure changes can impact routines, so management must communicate effectively in order to make adaptation easier. Comprehensive education is vital to success, as it alleviates confusion and frustration and improves efficiency. Strategic software maintenance and upgrades can result in meaningful increases in productivity and customer satisfaction.AI is transforming the way business gets accomplished. Read more about potential AI implementation here.
  4. Network: An organization’s computer network refers to all IT elements that communicate with one another – from internet connectivity to file sharing over the cloud and security efforts. Therefore, having an efficient and secure network is of the utmost importance. The network should be routinely updated to remain secure and run with optimal efficiency. Investments in network resources are never wasted in a technological age in which companies are useless without a functioning network.
    • Given the marked increase in cyberattacks over recent years, strengthening network security is paramount. After implementing antivirus software and setting up firewalls, more proactive cyber security methods such as endpoint monitoring may be considered. This monitoring more effectively guards against cyber-criminals – or mitigates the damage if they manage to break through.
    • As companies move from data centers and opt instead to store their records in the cloud, cloud software gives SMBs the opportunity to reduce operational costs and for teammates to collaborate with one another.
    • Segmentation may improve network security and efficiency by making it more difficult for cybercriminals to access passwords and personal data. It also helps guarantee that network traffic doesn’t begin to lag. This particular project can be accomplished via virtual local area networks (VLANs) and access control lists (ACLs).

    Help with IT Infrastructure Projects

    IT infrastructure projects are often unsuccessful, as companies do not understand how rapidly technology changes, how interconnected IT infrastructure is, or how challenging it is to predict expense and scope.

    If you are considering upgrades in these areas of business infrastructure, call Alliance IT. We can help you to understand your present and future needs and make recommendations based on your budget and business strategy.