The start of a new year presents an ideal opportunity to evaluate the ups and downs of the last 12 months, and use that information to establish operational goals for the coming months. IT teams can assess where their department is, where they want it to go, and how they can most effectively achieve those goals. The IT department plays a vital role in the overall organizations – and positive adjustments can make a significant impact.

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Here are our top four 2024 resolutions that can make this year revolutionary for your IT department. These objectives will help to enhance security and improve both efficiency and productivity. If your team is looking for ways to encourage collaboration and prepare for evolving technologies, read on!

  1. Bolster Security: With the cyber security landscape always changing, it’s vital to be aware of the recent updates to security. Hackers and nefarious characters are always innovating their methods of attack, and it’s critical to establish a strong security strategy to safeguard your company. You’ll want to establish:
    • Use 2-Factor Authentication: 2FA requires team members to provide two forms of identification when logging into the network. Forms of id may include a password, security token, fingerprint or face recognition. By requiring multiple pieces of identification, it is more difficult for unauthorized users to access proprietary systems.
    • Conduct routine security audits: Regular audits are critical for any comprehensive security strategy, as they can identify and fix system vulnerabilities.
    • Educate employees on attack prevention: Employees represent the best line of defense against cybercriminals and activity, and their training can safeguard your organization from possible attacks.
  2. Work to Improve Productivity: The IT department supports the entire company, and therefore must be as efficient and productive as possible. Tips to achieve that goal may include:
    • Introducing New Technologies: Technologies and tools for efficiency and productivity and constantly evolving, whether in regard to automation tools or new systems. By keeping current on the latest innovations, the IT department can help the company to save time and increase productivity.
    • Streamlining Current Processes: Review the processes that are in place and look for ways to streamline, automate or standardize them. By seeking more agile methodologies, the IT team can respond more rapidly to evolving business needs.
  3. Prioritize Collaboration and Communication: Robust collaboration within the IT department can result in more effective decision-making and trouble-shooting. It’s essential to establish a culture of open communication – whether within the IT team or the entire organization. Team-building activities may range from lunches and outings to role playing exercises, but all should cultivate unity and employee morale, especially now that the remote work culture is so prevelant.
  4. Get Ready for the Future: As stated, the technology landscape is ever-evolving, and it’s essential to stay on top of those changes. By understanding and preparing for the emerging technologies coming down the pipeline, the IT department will be positioned to take advantage opportunities as they arise.
    • Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is already significantly impacting most industries in some way, and it has the long-term ability to transform the way most people live and work.
    • The Internet of Things (IoT):  From smart homes to automated transportation, the IoT has the potential to revolutionize a broad spectrum of applications.
    • Blockchain: Blockchain permits secure and transparent record-keeping in financial, supply chain and asset management.

Call Alliance IT to Get Started

With the right strategy and team in place, your IT department can ensure that 2024 is a fantastic year for efficiency and productivity. Contact Alliance IT today to learn how our team of IT professionals can help your company to achieve its goals in the new year and beyond.